“HURLING” на російській мові


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ирландский хоккей на траве
hurling hurley



throw toss fling pitch cast lob bowl launch catapult project propel let fly fire chuck heave sling peg shy


Diamond Eye powered into the air again, hurling himself after the other dragon.

Another hatchling shot through them, scattering the soldiers on the sleds and tearing two of the Taiytakei from the ground in its talons and hurling them away, but too late.

As he lifted his ashgar to smash her, Diamond Eye’s tail swatted him, hurling him through the air, a rag-bag of broken bone.

He stopped and watched the pinpricks of light that were the two dragons hurling fire at each other, so distant beneath him that they weren’t much brighter than the stars overhead.

Lightning flashed everywhere, men ran and howled, waving ashgars, hurling themselves at each other in murderous frenzy.

Another crack of lightning shattered the night, one from the eyrie’s own lightning cannon now, turned to point back into the dragon yard, blowing a cluster of sleds to pieces and hurling screaming Vespinese high into the air.

The Vespinese on their glass sleds scoured the yard in circles, hurling their thunderbolts until nothing moved.