“IDENTICAL” на російській мові


інші переклади

identical identic
same identical equal uniform alike one
identical the same identic selfsame
тот же самый
same selfsame identical even identic



indistinguishable (exactly) the same uniform twin duplicate interchangeable synonymous undifferentiated equivalent homogeneous of a piece cut from the same cloth alike like matching like (two) peas in a pod similar


Their aims, means, and methods were also identical.

” With their hoods on, they appeared nearly identical save for their hands.

There was a plain one for the door, and a number of identical manacle keys.

”Eris gave him an identical smile.

The size of a wolf’s and an ayre’s paws is nearly identical.

It would have been quite easy to make them believe that Bonaparte, Columbus, Cortes, and Jesus were all identical.

It was difficult to tell from behind, but he thought he spied four of them now, and then they all started moving again at an identical pace, still headed toward the keep.

Men, women and children in identical uniforms worked on guns, each making a single part or assembling sections before putting the weapon onto trolleys to be wheeled further down the chain for the next stage to be completed.

It looked identical to Feyre’s painting.

The hall of the hotel, serving as the lobby, was identical with the corridor leading from the street to the patio.

”The Monster looked around the table and saw identical rage in five pairs of eyes.