“IDLY” на російській мові


інші переклади

idly indolently loungingly
idly sluggishly sleepily loungingly





“We won’t stand idly by, nor would they.

Cryptobiotes wriggled out from the shadow of a rock and floated idly in the air.

” She glanced at her sister’s stomach, the hand idly resting atop it.

But her eyes went to Feyre, who stood across the room, a hand resting idly on the slight swell of her belly.

Cassian idly flipped a long dagger in his hand.

He looked at the golden globe and tossed it idly from one hand to the other and back again.

“The kind of powers you have aren’t the sort that should sit idly by.

Thinking on the horse and the dracon, the countess idly considered how such differing animals came to be living cheek-by-jowl.

A lace parasol leaned against her other shoulder, and she twirled it idly as she surveyed the windows, the world beyond, and said in a hushed voice, “I sometimes wonder if I shall ever have the courage to go out there again.

Three were missing and she idly wondered where they were, whether they were still combing the tunnels or dead or had simply flown away.

They secured themselves to its trunk with the bloodied rope, and Nesta and Emerie idly plucked tiny rope fibers from their torn hands.