“IGNORING” на російській мові


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ignore disregard overlook defy eliminate elide
neglect flout disregard ignore disdain defy
miss skip pass overlook miss out omit
reject dismiss deflect divert turn down turn away



disregard take no notice of pay no attention to pay no heed to turn a blind eye to turn a deaf ear to tune out


” Bridget left the room, ignoring Cliff, who was about to say something back.

He gripped it tightly in his hand, ignoring the stabbing of its needled legs as it struggled to get free.

The moment they’d realized that Raif had fled, Cinda had run from the throne room, ignoring Rew, ignoring her advisors.

Jon drew his longsword and shuffled closer, but most of the thieves were ignoring him, focused on the action around Rew.

Birds, just waking, trilled their happy songs, ignoring the tragedy playing out beneath them.

Rew drew deep breaths, steadying himself and ignoring the voice in his head that told him this plan was stupid, that he wouldn’t survive.

We’ll get him up to a bed,” said Rew, ignoring the girl’s disbelief.

Anne, ignoring Rew, began directing the girls like a general in the field, instructing them to gather water from the well, a kettle to boil it, linens, alcohol for sterilization, herbs, incense, and the other apparatus of her art.

”Nesta crossed her arms, ignoring Cassian’s pointed glare, silently demanding that she dismiss this notion entirely.

Still looking up, purposefully ignoring the crowd around him, he nearly stumbled into another squad of azure-clad soldiers.

He’d bounded back upstairs, ignoring the Puerto Rican cat who was watching the door, his eyes scanning the store for Farad.