“ILLUMINATED” на російській мові


інші переклади

lit illuminated alight lightened
украшенный огнями



well-lighted lit lighted


light (up) lighten throw light on brighten shine on irradiate illumine illume enlighten


The cross-shaped Odradek pointed above them and began spinning rapidly, illuminated with the orange warning light that meant BTs were right there.

Night had fallen, the moon bright enough to keep the Breaking’s path illuminated.

The timefall may have let up, but the clouds were still illuminated by beams of light that looked like bloodstained dragons.

On his way here, Sam had seen the dense chiral clouds that blocked out the sky illuminated by bands of light.

The headlights of the truck pierced this blanket of darkness and illuminated the torrential sheets of timefall.

The full moon had shown her face, so bright the mountains, the rivers, the valley were illuminated enough that even the leaves on the trees far below were visible.

Bridget’s face was illuminated by the light streaming into the room.

To where a beam of moonlight illuminated a familiar-looking male and six others climbing the mountain behind them.

A miniature illuminated manuscript, crafted by the skilled hands of the smallest of the lesser Fae—one of the first printed books in existence.

“I guess I’ll come and thank you when I’ve got four arms and illuminated skin.

Light from the room illuminated a stripe of her housekeeper Astred’s face.