“IMAGINE” на російській мові


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imagine fancy see
imagine fancy envision dream represent depicture
представлять себе
imagine fancy envision think conceive picture
think believe expect suppose imagine mean
assume guess suppose expect suspect imagine
guess imagine understand
believe think suppose guess consider imagine
understand see realize comprehend appreciate imagine
imagine think too much of
вызывать в воображении
conjure conjure up ideate image imagine



visualize envisage envision picture see in the mind's eye dream up think up/of conjure up conceive conceptualize ideate


I made my own little golems when I was an apprentice and I imagine you did too, but they were stupid things, nothing like this.

I’d imagine he heard about us from somebody else in his line of work.

Can you imagine?

We imagine the half-gods and the earth-touched long gone, figures of legend, never truly real, but they were.

I imagine that those conjurers of old realized the vivratu could not be controlled and then simply ignored them.

But make no mistake, if I ever catch any one of you again playing your nasty damned tricks against me, I tell you that you will rather wish you had been tortured by the Holy Inquisition instead of by me, you Sons of Iousy—well, you know your mothers better than I can imagine them.

I cannot imagine any of them voluntarily giving that power up.

Mark and Dylan were opposites, but she could easily imagine them meeting up for a beer.

The staff is crude like the weapons they use, and I can’t imagine any person going and collecting narjag ears.

I can’t imagine my books in better hands—or with better people!

I can’t imagine there are two spellcasters out in the wilderness, but I also can’t imagine anyone with the skill to open a portal would do so and then hike so far.