“INSTANTLY” на російській мові


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immediately instantly forthwith right away straight directly
immediately at once instantly forthwith right away directly



immediately at once straightaway right away instantaneously suddenly abruptly all of a sudden forthwith then and there here and now this/that minute this/that instant quickly rapidly speedily promptly in an instant in a moment in a (split) second in a trice in/like a flash like a shot in the twinkling of an eye in no time (at all) before you know it in a jiffy in a jiff pronto like (greased) lightning stat on the double tout de suite


”Igor’s bullet pierced the driver’s head and he died instantly.

”Cassian instantly knew where this was headed.

Emerie and Gwyn chuckled, but when a beast roared in the distance, they instantly fell quiet.

Cassian slid into the chair opposite hers, his food instantly appearing before him, and said with grating cheer, “Morning, Nesta.

Her gaze darts to his face, her expression instantly apologetic.

The wind instantly turned into a raging gale, making it difficult to even stand.

He hoped to fall asleep instantly by taking a long, deep breath.

When he did make his move, he was going to have to unlock the door pretty much instantly.

’He lifts it and arranges it, to make it into the shape of a body once more, and I know instantly that it’s not one of Max’s.

It could not only track the sun, but also tell time, and it somehow allowed Rhys to ponder the existence of life beyond their own world and other things Cassian had, again, instantly forgotten.

He knew then instantly that Dobbs was buried.