“KIELBASA” на російській мові



Light-footed waitresses pace the linoleum floor slinging babka French toast and eggs with kielbasa , and - mostly - plates of pierogi to a mixed crowd of chatty locals and interlopers.

We enjoyed every bit of their piggy-ness and now we are reaping the rewards with a freezer full of the very best ham, bacon, sausage, and kielbasa in the world!

The remains of my second helping of kielbasa and potato salad sat before me.

Later as night falls we light the candles and have a pleasant dinner of pita bread, kielbasa , cheese and a salad, which is more than welcome given the high temperature and humidity.

In a roped-off corner of a San Diego street fair, with the odor of kielbasa and fried onions blooming in the warm mid-September air, about 80 girls sprawl like an occupying army.