“KINGDOMS” на російській мові


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kingdom world raj
kingdom realm
world peace universe kingdom quiet pax
sphere scope area realm domain range
region area field domain range province



realm domain dominion country empire principality duchy land nation state sovereign state province territory


And so he did, and told his story and learned everything there was to learn about the wickedness of the Bloody Judge, the mercenary lord who took his band of outlaws up and down the little kingdoms and answered to no one and left a trail of wailing women and fatherless children behind him.

There were many in the kingdoms who would have spent what little light the torch provided in exploring the temple; such places were highly prized by academics and grave robbers alike.

A peninsula poked northward toward the very southernmost kingdoms.

Though Rel had asked the question in the modalman’s language, the modalman replied in fluent Karsarin, gently softened by the accent of the eastern kingdoms.

In a dozen other kingdoms women had more of a voice, but though they might rule, they rarely led, and those kingdoms did not matter.

You will return to your kingdoms with a powerful asset against the enemy.

Rafozo said he had begun the journey a big man, well-muscled and tough, a survivor of the inter-clan warfare so beloved of the southern kingdoms.

The dragons threw the curse of alchemy aside and flew at Jehal to burn him and his kingdoms to ash, but I saw none of it, for by then I was a slave, taken by the Taiytakei.

See the benefits peace between our kingdoms brought.

He did not look it, but he was a rich man already, with hundreds of thousands of thalers secreted in the banks of four different kingdoms.

In earlier years he’d travelled the length and breadth of the nine kingdoms of the dragon-realms and written about what he’d seen so other alchemists could learn about their lands without the indignity and discomfort that came from having to go and look with their own eyes.