“LADIES” на російській мові


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ladies ladies' room


The last saw the remaining few pure lords and ladies fall from their intended path entirely, and become obsessed with petty display.

There are no other lords or ladies that Eastwatch offers fealty to.

Her attention strayed constantly to the double doors leading onto the ladies gallery.

Two beautiful ladies with a king’s fortune could go far.

“All right, ladies.

’And so they sipped tea together and Red Lin Feyn told Liang what everyone secretly already knew: how there had once been four divines, the lords of the sun and the moon and the ladies of the earth and the stars, remembered even now in little ways in corners of Takei’Tarr and revered in the realms of the Sun King and of Aria.

Cassian just strode to Nesta’s side and slung an arm around her shoulders before drawling to Rhys, “These ladies are going to hand your ass to you in combat soon enough.