“LEGION” на російській мові


інші переклади

multiplicity plurality variety multitude plenty legion



brigade regiment battalion company troop division squadron squad platoon phalanx unit force


numerous countless innumerable incalculable many abundant plentiful myriad


A legion of Adamantine Men might march thirty miles a day across open country, but the slaves were roped together and slow.

And as for his legion ancestors?

He supposed that between him, Az, Mor, and Rhys, in the five centuries they’d used the House of Wind, they had filled it with enough weapons to arm a small legion.

They ignored him at first, then, with the drilled precision of a legion of the Adamantine Guard, a dozen of them stopped what they were doing, picked up spears with bulbous hafts and blunt hooks near their points for tripping and clubbing and beating, and started down the slope.

Had failed to stop the wall from being blasted apart, failed to save the Illyrian legion from the Cauldron’s incinerating blow—Nesta shut down that train of thought.

Over the being who had walked on water and commanded a legion of the dead.

The dead stood motionless, a legion poised to strike.

His subjects were legion.

A spike of fear hit him then – that he’d made a mistake, that his strength wouldn’t be enough to climb to the top again, that he’d never get out and he’d die here alone, so far from everything he knew that his legion ancestors wouldn’t ever find him.

A line of them; a legion.

With your two strong mules and that little baggage you carry along, it wouldn’t take you more than four or five days to get to where there are all the American clubs and legion posts you want.