“MAGICAL” на російській мові


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magic magical fairy faerie elfin elfish
magical magic theurgical theurgic spellful
enchanting faery magical faerie magic



supernatural magic occult shamanistic mystical paranormal preternatural otherworldly


The nobles attempted to purify their lines and increase the odds that the next generation would possess even more magical power.

Aarin glimpsed strange landscapes, and crowds of lost souls, but they came and went quickly, and for the most part he saw nothing but waves of magical energy rippling on the skin of reality.

Arcanists are scholars who’ve dedicated their study to the magical and unnatural, the arcane.

He didn’t want to be dodging poorly aimed magical attacks from behind while dealing with the ayres and their riders.

“Bastards have the magical abilities but not the castles?

There is an enormous amount of magical flux present on the Sotherwinter continent that simply was not there before.

Souls are, in essence, magical.

With the death of her magical duplicate, much of Shrane’s power had consolidated itself in this single body, along with the memories and experience her other self had gathered.

“There’s no way they could follow a magical beacon?

Powerful practitioners of high magic are too dangerous to be allowed freedom, so they’re held captive, by psychological and magical means.

Aarin thought for a moment that some magical means or even mechanical aid dragged them so, but when his vision cleared further he saw two giant fish ahead of them, their tails thrashing.