“MIRACLES” на російській мові


інші переклади

miracle wonder marvel prodigy wonderwork portent
удивительная вещь
miracle miracle play
выдающееся событие
miracle great occasion



wonder marvel sensation phenomenon supernatural phenomenon mystery


As soon as I can sit in a saddle, I shall come over to your village to see the great doctor performing his miracles.

The air smelled of fire and sorcery, that burning tang that rose sometimes from the depths of her old palace where the Silver King had made his miracles.

The journals were full of awe and wonder, gleeful childish fascination with the miracles she found she could perform, yet Red Lin Feyn had found no ambition for domination or such worldly hungers, only a relentless curiosity and the Sunburst’s constant air of surprise that her spells did more than make a sour taste or a bad smell.

They don’t want to let him go yet because he can perform miracles of all sorts.

The monk, having received his pay, gave the chief, his wife, and his son his blessing and went on his way to find another tribe that might be willing to support him well for telling stories about miracles.

All the Indians of the region swore by Howard and his miracles.

A bishop or a cardinal only needed to get word that a certain citizen was in possession of a very rich mine and it would not be long before witnesses would appear and swear that the mine-owner had doubted the purity or the virginity of the Lord’s Mother or that he doubted the miracles of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe or uttered blasphemous speeches or said that Luther had been just as right as the Pope.

It’s akin to the way all seven High Lords can combine their powers to perform miracles.

” How did you get forgiven for wrecking a party where miracles were implied, if not quite real?