“MISALIGNMENTS” на російській мові



As protracted exchange-rate misalignments are a recurrent phenomenon in global currency markets, may we conclude that the ‘euro puzzle’ represents just another incidence of their malfunctioning, a clear-cut market failure?

In an environment characterized by globalization, the developed countries are urged to foster stable and sustainable financial policies to avoid exchange rate misalignments and volatility among major currencies.

As a rough rule of thumb, we can estimate that because this system has the least power, it likely will have the least aberration residuals, the least sensitivity to mis-spacing and misalignment , and the lowest fabrication cost.

Mild to moderate cases of misalignment can usually be fixed in six to 12 months, but more severe cases can require up to two years of treatment, with regular check-ups on a four - to six-week basis.

the osteopath traced the headaches to misalignment of the upper cervical vertebrae