“MORNING” на російській мові


інші переклади

morning morn morrow forenoon
утренняя заря
dawn morning sunrise aurora reveille cockcrow
start starting beginning outbreak origin morning
ранний период
morning matutinal auroral antemeridian rathe



before noon before lunch/lunchtime this a.m. this morn this forenoon


“Good morning captain!

In the morning Sivan was gone, and for the next five grinding days the shifter’s sword-slaves led Tsen onward, climbing past the Jokun cataracts until they reached open country again at last, a wide flatness of water meadows and fields with the Silver Mountain looming in the distance.

“It was because I woke up the next morning and all I wanted to do was fuck you for a week straight.

Pure pleasure, like a kid on Christmas morning.

The dual carriageway was in sight, the cars driving past, people on their early morning commutes, so close, and not one of them seeing the warehouse and what was within.

On their last morning in Chicago, his mood was somber.

In front of them, the barrowlands spread out like a rumpled green rug, sparkling with dew in the morning sun.

“We have to use the cool morning hours, boys,” Pat would say when he waked them.

We want to go, because our provisions have given out and we want to be at the market early tomorrow morning.

They always came with drama the morning after.

“Well, partner, I wouldn’t be in the least surprised if you should find me in the morning between the paws of a tiger, half eaten up for breakfast.