“MUSICAL” на російській мові


інші переклади

musical melodious philharmonic
melodic melodious tuneful musical sweet harmonious
музыкальный фильм
музыкальная комедия
musical comedy musical



tuneful melodic melodious harmonious sweet-sounding sweet mellifluous euphonious euphonic


musical comedy


Dylan enlightened her with stories about the musical festivals he attended while living on the road with his dad and how his and his cousin Chase’s first paying jobs were to tune their dads’ guitars before every performance.

It looked like the base of a compass with an arrow pointing south to a musical note instead of an S.

The moaning chants of the modalmen reached a crescendo, echoing from the walls of the valley and the mountain in musical thunder.

Chase had come up with the concept, a vinyl record shaped like a compass with a W marking west and musical notes marking the other directions.

He wanted to be next to her where he could hear her laugh rather than recall the musical sound from memory.

As he performed on the street, Dylan didn’t think about the number of times as a kid Jack had forced him onstage to show off his musical prodigy son to his fans, or the ensuing panic attacks that never failed to overtake him afterward, bouts his mom would have to talk him through until his breathing regulated and the need to curl into a tight ball faded away.

A musical laugh filled her mind, but the weight lifted.

Faded posters of long-ago musical acts filled the bottom half of the single square window.

He easily pictured a musical note above her left ankle, or a matching note on the inside of her right wrist.

At the end of every musical phrase, the modalmen sang a long, wordless note that started so low the earth trembled, and rose to a moderate pitch before dropping back even lower than it had begun.

On the ground floor of the Hotel Oso Negro at the left there was a store, run by an Arab, which carried shoes, boots, shirts, soap, perfumes, ladies’ underwear, and all kinds of musical instruments.