“NULLIFY” на російській мові


інші переклади

cancel annul void revoke nullify abrogate
сводить на нет
nullify negate stultify whittle down whittle away reduce to zero
сводить к нулю
nullify destroy
destroy kill consume demolish annihilate nullify
делать недействительным
invalidate nullify negate irritate flaw vitiate



annul render null and void void invalidate repeal reverse rescind revoke disallow cancel abolish countermand do away with terminate quash vacate abrogate


If Inland Revenue lose, then EU states can act to nullify the decision or they can allow healthy full tax competition.

It is no surprise that last Monday the New South Wales government announced that it proposed to nullify the majority decision by legislation.

An age might have to elapse before there can be any returns on capital in the form of scarce minerals in minable quantities, the costs of whose transportation alone might nullify their value.

The new law stems from a decision by the government to nullify a decision of the Court of Appeal that the Maori Land Court could hear claims relating to the recognition of customary interests.

It would negate or nullify the property rights purchased by private investors in 1993 when New Zealand Rail was sold by the then National Government.