“OFFERED” на російській мові


інші переклади

proposed suggested offered


If her father had offered to bring them on one of his ships, to let them see strange and distant shores, would they have gone?

There are three of us, and they may have figured we might easily overpower them if they offered us hospitality.

Ironically, the old money crowd who were ordinarily venomously opposed to anything the new industrialists offered to the house, were enthusiastically in favour of her reforms.

Connecting people may have offered hope, but it also formed shackles.

Helion offered a bow of his head, the epitome of courtly grace.

Only Eris had that sort of sway with the power-hungry Keir, and whatever Eris had offered Keir in exchange for not coming here was still a mystery.

”Nesta offered a tentative smile.

”Fragile offered Sam a cryptobiote.

Only the heated floors offered any reprieve.

Nesta refused to let anything show on her face as she offered her sister a small nod of greeting.

” Nesta opened her mouth, but Emerie offered her another half smile and changed the subject.