“OFFICES” на російській мові


інші переклади

службы при доме
office offices



place of work place of business workplace headquarters base workroom studio workspace cubicle salt mine(s)


And those visits to their father’s offices had resulted in a simmering resentment between them.

I have the money here, in my offices.

The entrance to the offices was equally grand, with main doors of twenty feet tall, spiked bronze, the sort of thing found on a fortress or barracks rather than a mill.

FILDEN OBSERVED THE commotion around the main offices of the Morthrocksey mill.

“‘For sale’,” he read, “‘by public auction to be held upon 31st Seventh at the offices of Gerwin, Fael and Runcor, the Lemio Clothing and Shoddy Factory, in whole or in part lots.

When the Sunderdown was built after the War of Suffrage, the offices within were designed to be the same size for members of all Three Houses, ministers and landsmen alike, to show equality in government no matter a man’s birth or station.

”There were offices within the House which granted their holders precedence; the master of the rolls, the heads of the loose party groupings, the secretary for records and a few others.

A portico fit for a palace fronted the factory offices.

He waited for the occurrence at the offices to be done.

Katriona had a larger bag with her than last time she had barged into his offices.

Their digs aren’t glamorous—three floors of studios and offices in a concrete box of a building with reflective glass windows.