“PEACEFUL” на російській мові


інші переклади

calm quiet tranquil peaceful easy serene
peaceful peace peaceable quiet calm pacific



tranquil calm restful quiet still relaxing soothing undisturbed untroubled private secluded


The eyrie felt more peaceful than it had since the dragons first arrived, and yet beneath the calm Liang felt the tension.

Most of them return to their villages, where they own a piece of land, have their families, and live the life of peaceful farmers.

“The forest has been peaceful in recent years, has it not?

Amelie had told him that it would turn his nightmares into peaceful dreams, but Sam wasn’t sure how effective it was.

If man wants to follow his peaceful occupations, he cannot have a live rattlesnake in the neighborhood.

The view outside looked as it always did: a peaceful steep-sided valley in the foothills of the Konsidar, its slopes partially terraced with groves of orange trees.

It’s so peaceful.

That trip couldn’t have been peaceful.

This strange sensation of feeling unable to move or to cry, coupled with a ghastly silence in the face of such a catastrophic interruption of the most peaceful occupation, lasted only a few seconds.

Days of peaceful effort were hers, interrupted only by Astred or Hovernia’s half-hearted attempts to get her to stop and eat or get a little sleep.

So the Illyrians were at peace—or as peaceful as a warrior society could be, with their constant training.