“PEEKED” на російській мові


інші переклади

look into peek peep peep into peek in



(have a) peep have a peek spy take a sly/stealthy look sneak a look/peek take a gander


Someone inside had peeked out the door, after all.

”Joy peeked at her watch when she turned onto the highway.

Curly black hair peeked out from her robe, and rich brown skin gleamed on her lovely, delicate hands.

She peeked at him from under her lashes.

After several blocks, Rew slowed their pace, and they peeked down a tree-lined boulevard that led from the wealthier enclaves of Falvar to the small, private gate that bored through the keep’s stout walls.

Joy peeked around the doorjamb.

The moment that Sam peeked out to see if the coast was clear, he was met with gunfire.

He shook himself, adjusted his grip on his longsword, and peeked around the corner of the boulder.

”Nesta glanced to his shoulder, where the hilt of his blade peeked over.

Stitching of silk ribbon peeked out from under his ostentatious collar, holding the skin of his neck to his chest.

Dylan peeked behind the bunk’s privacy curtain and found Chase passed out, snoring, and thankfully, alone.