“PLENARIES” на російській мові



Group staff perform a variety of duties, ranging from administrative routines to drafting background memos, following developments in committees and drawing up whips in plenaries .

Our theme in 1998-1999 was ‘Urban Christianity,’ and the plenaries included sessions on the first urban Christians, the city of Atlanta, patterns of wealth and marginalization in the metropolis, and forms of church in the city.

The plenaries met with varying success, largely due to the demands of jam-packed days and the lure of London outside the conference center.

The organisers hope that between 60,000 and 80,000 people will take part in 26 plenaries , 60 seminars and 900 workshops.

It is entirely international - all of the plenaries and seminars are translated into at least five languages and more than half the advance registrations are from outside Britain.