“POSSESSION” на російській мові


інші переклади

possession ownership hold domain tenure command
possession having enjoyment
obsession possession diabolism
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ownership control hands keeping care custody charge hold title guardianship


On coming back they hide their guns, or not, since the peasants after the revolution were allowed to have guns to fight the big hacendados, the former feudal lords, who by the revolution lost the greater part of their huge domains, which were parceled out to the peasants; so the possession of fire-arms alone is no proof that their owner is a bandit.

You whites spoil the beauty of life for the possession of gold.

They still seemed to be in possession of all their faculties.

Our people have fought wars, but never for the possession of gold.

I sent them to Baron Worgon in Yarrow years ago, knowing no one would suspect I would move against the man while my children were in his possession.

2“The government, once in possession of the mine, tried to get out of it as much as it held in the shortest time possible.

To get to the animals the bandits would first have to be in full possession of the trench.

It was more important, and actually the decisive factor, indeed, that in winning the trench they would come into possession of more guns, ammunition, provisions, and clothing than they had ever thought was in store here.

But while no one knew anything about dona Maria, everyone in New Spain knew that the riches of dona Maria had not disappeared, but were safely in the possession of one supposed to know better what to do with them than a foolish woman who thought that nobility stands for honesty.

A bishop or a cardinal only needed to get word that a certain citizen was in possession of a very rich mine and it would not be long before witnesses would appear and swear that the mine-owner had doubted the purity or the virginity of the Lord’s Mother or that he doubted the miracles of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe or uttered blasphemous speeches or said that Luther had been just as right as the Pope.

” Miguel stuck his hands in his pants pockets and swayed his body nonchalantly, as if he already had the money in his possession.