“PROTECTED” на російській мові


інші переклади

protected defended covered



secured sheltered in safe hands safe guarded out of danger safeguarded preserved


keep safe keep from harm save safeguard preserve defend shield cushion insulate hedge shelter screen secure fortify guard watch over look after take care of keep inoculate


The monitor on the communications terminal activated and Viktor showed Sam a file that was protected by layers of strong security.

It made a disturbing tearing sound as it gnawed through the invisible wall that protected him.

The upper parts of his arms and shoulders were protected by leather spaulders.

He wanted to create a new world on this continent, one that protected the freedom and liberty of every single person living within it.

He could have protected him.

She put her glove back on, concealing the timefall-marred skin beneath the black suit that protected the rest of her body.

The feeling of being held and protected by someone else reassured him, yet… When he looked back up, he was once again surrounded by countless faces.

These are protected grounds where a deer herd is managed, and three full-time rangers ride their quad bikes like it’s a racing track.

The Mexican hands were protected by their law.

They’re well protected.

If you have a license, you are not protected at all against bandits or racketeers.