“PSEUDOMONAS” на російській мові



I have talked to wound care experts who say they can smell wound infections, such as pseudomonas and staphylococcus, before seeing them.

There are reports of Hepatitis B and C being transmitted by tattooing, as well as bacterial infections such as pseudomonas and staphlocoocus.

Surgical site infection at the chest site after cardiac surgery most often involves grampositive bacteria, such as staphylococci, and less frequently involves gramnegative bacteria, such as pseudomonas .

Live biological remedies like the bacteria pseudomonas have been shown to suppress a variety of turfgrass diseases.

MBP, for example, shares extensive homologies in amino acid sequences with measles, influenza virus, adenovirus, herpesviruses, papilloma virus, and bacteria, including pseudomonas .