“PUNCHED” на російській мові


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perforated punched perforate



hit strike thump jab smash welt cuff clip batter buffet pound pummel sock slug bop wallop clobber bash whack thwack clout whomp cold-cock smite


Sam was half-submerged in tar as Higgs grabbed his hair and punched him in the face.

He punched a fist into the chest of one of the short creatures and tried to shove it back to give himself and the other men room.

She didn’t see them but she felt the shape of their presence as though a cloud had pulled back from covering the sun, or maybe as if they’d been flying high with nothing but a sea of white beneath them, and the dragon had plunged and punched through and out the other side, and now there was the land and the sea with all its contours and wrinkles and familiar places.

Brauctha finished him with a thrust so powerful it punched right through his back and out the other side.

The wooden door of the throne room had been punched open, and as they drew near, they could see Alsayer’s back.

He reached over and punched Baby Brother on his shoulder, then mushed his head like he was ten years old again.

She lightly punched the car and spun away.

Sam had him by the chest and punched him in the face over and over.

The shirt was two sizes too big with a hole punched through over the heart.

He punched in a number.

She punched that thought out of herself, too.