“REBUILDING” на російській мові


інші переклади

reduction recovery restoration reconstruction rehabilitation rebuilding
perestroika reconstruction rearrangement rebuilding alteration realignment
reconstruction renovation rehabilitation restoration rebuilding conversion
капитальный ремонт
overhaul major overhaul renewal rebuilding big repair
overhaul major overhaul renewal rebuilding big repair



reconstruct renovate restore remodel remake reassemble


Instead, it was being used as a tool to further the idea of rebuilding the UCA.

And Bridget had dedicated her life to rebuilding it.

As they’d drifted over the desert from the eyrie, him and Kalaiya, he’d pondered whether he’d find the streets full of people hard at work rebuilding what they’d lost, ships clustered around the docks, the damage perhaps far less than he feared.

Had the life that he had dedicated to the rebuilding of America after he and Igor were saved by the church come to an end as well?

“It looks like Bridget Strand is getting serious about rebuilding America,” the porter stated.

It’ll also bring us one step closer to saving Amelie and rebuilding the UCA.

Maybe it was even the woman who had the epiphany about rebuilding America.

VOCABULARYBridges – An organization created by the last President of the United States of America, Bridget Strand, for the sole purpose of reconnecting all of the disjointed cities and people across the ex-USA and rebuilding America.

We were reminded that we were tasked with the difficult job of rebuilding America, and that we had to push forward and bear it.

Sam was the one out here busting his ass, delivering the cargo and rebuilding America.

Higgs – A member of Homo Demens who is trying to prevent the rebuilding of America and accelerate human extinction.