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”“As I said, I’m the King’s Ranger, and I’ve come to ask you about recent phenomena that are outside of my experience.

They did not see anyone as they walked, but the trail showed recent use.

That had been the fear during the recent war: that those three territories across the sea might ally with Hybern.

Yet how many promises had he foolishly made to the families of those who’d fallen in the recent war that the peace would last for a while?

There had been an increase in the number of jobs to the Capital and Central areas in recent months.

“Your antiquarians are beginning to uncover the past, though some of your culture’s recent attempts to understand the world are so wrong they amuse me.

In recent months, it’d gotten worse.

In recent years, even during the last migration two years prior, the ayres and narjags seemed to function independently, and only occasionally was a narjag seen atop a mount.

CHAPTER 20AFTERJoySettling onto the couch in the front parlor of their Chelsea neighborhood town house in Manhattan, Joy rips out a page from the monthly singles review in the most recent Rolling Stone.

In recent years, Tate had been sick.

It’s good, and their most recent released single is on their fourth album, which dropped several months back.