“REPUTATION” на російській мові


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Your family has a certain reputation for bloody mindedness.

“This Tyn is not well liked by anyone, and he has a reputation.

The descendants of Bold Nelly lived up to her reputation.

He could have easily told the woman what to do about her lice, but he didn’t wish to lose his reputation as a great doctor.

Katriona insisted, of course, of course, on patronising one of them, even though her reputation was nothing compared to that of a man, and her office was in barely salubrious terraces at the Upper Lockside.

It was good because he didn’t have a reputation to keep, but it was bad because he couldn’t get anybody in Charlotte to supply him.

He turned out to be a born survivor, and before he knew it he’d earned himself a reputation and an audience with President Bridget Strand several months after her inauguration.

A man high up in politics, a general hot after the seat of the president, a dismissed secretary of commerce, may use these bandits, whom he calls rebels, to destroy the reputation of the government before foreign nations and before their own.

This book will cement Aliya Whiteley’s reputation as one of the finest of a new generation of weird fiction writers.

Or was it worse than that, and she was given this falsely, to protect the reputation of men at home?

The reputation of bought commission officers was poor.