“RUSSETS” на російській мові


інші переклади

красновато-коричневый цвет
bronze hazel puce russet
желтовато-коричневый цвет
russet tan camel cinnamon


Grandfather sold the russets and the codlings and the pippins from his orchard, and those he didn't sell he stored in his pristine white-washed cellar, where huge black hams and sides of bacon were hanging from black hooks.

In the fall, look for the trees to turn russet , bronze, or deep red.

Kept clipped as a hedge, beech keeps its leaves year round - green in summer, turning to russet in autumn.

The tough rind, pale russet in colour, is very bitter, as is the covering of the three seeds.

They see a plain country-fellow well and cleanly apparelled, either in a coat of homespun russet , or of frieze.