“SEMICOLON” на російській мові


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Eddie finds himself without much to do - Ted's books tend to run about 500 words, and he keeps the kid busy retyping the thing, changing a comma to a semicolon and back again.

In the realm of punctuation, a comma is used for a brief pause, a semicolon for a more moderate pause, and a period as a full stop.

We now have to follow world accounting standards and world other standards, so why do we not just follow world tax law grammatical standards and settle for the semicolon ?

If you don't know whether or not to use a colon, a semicolon , or a dash, cut that sentence down!

We live in a world that has completely lost track of the semicolon , we speak in incomplete sentences, with three little dots of ellipsis understood, because we never find the right word… Life is beautiful, but it has no form.