“SHELVED” на російській мові


інші переклади

gentle declivous shelved
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postpone put off delay defer put back reschedule hold over/off put to one side suspend stay keep in abeyance mothball abandon drop give up stop cancel jettison ax put over table take a rain check on put on ice put on the back burner put in cold storage ditch dump junk


None, fortunately or unfortunately, needed to be shelved in the section that book belonged in.

So Nesta had shelved in the dimness, surrounded by whispers of rustling paper, only pausing to wipe the dust from her hands.

She found her cart, filled again with books needing to be shelved.

“These can be shelved.

It was the only thought that occupied Nesta as she shelved book after book.

Rel and his guardians had been gaining altitude for some time; although the foothills were modest in extent compared to the mountains, the desert shelved off gradually for such a distance that the bottom of the slope was lost to view.

No one more so than Nesta, who now shelved her sword and took up a length of linen.

Clotho found them in books shelved below Level Seven.

Nesta read, There are books to be shelved on Level Five.

It had been replenished with books needing to be shelved.

“This was shelved improperly.