This may be related to the role of arginine as a biochemical precursor in the synthesis of putrescine, spermidine, and spermine , which are believed to be essential to sperm motility.
By comparison, the tetra-amine spermine only binds weakly to peptide carboxylate groups, and not to the a-helical conformation.
Because of their positive charges, putrescine, spermidine, and spermine show a high affinity with the acidic constituents of the cell (RNA, DNA, ATP, acidic proteins, phospholipids, etc.).
The binding model displayed in Fig.8 A has been observed from crystallographic studies on B-DNA dodecamers stabilized with spermine .
The flexible polyamine spermine displays a high presence in the minor groove but does not form long-lived and structurally defined complexes.