“STIPES” на російській мові


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ножка гриба
stem stalk shaft scape culm footstalk


Reclined rhabdosomes are ones in which the stipes are inclined upwards, and those in which the stipes have joined to form a linear structure are termed scandent.

Colonies in which the stipes and the thecal apertures are directed down from the sicula are termed pendent, while those in which the stipes are at right angles to the sicula are termed horizontal.

Dark stipes were harvested from cultures grown in the continuous darkness for 2 days after preincubation for 8 days under a 12 hr light / 12 hr dark regime.

The more diverse DDO clades, which were entirely wiped out, included a broad range of colony sizes-some very robust forms as well as others with complex branching and long stipes , but also many species with quite diminutive colonies.

The dst1-1 mutant regularly developed mature fruiting bodies at the top of dark stipes after a prolonged cultivation.