“STOPE” на російській мові



Nothing of interest was found, so we decided to check the short drift that was driven from No.2 shaft and was exposed from a stope that was mined to the surface.

The occurrence is in coarsely brecciated dolomite at the margin of a previously mined-out area in pillars and on the walls of a stope where the early work had ended.

Open stopes extending upward to grass roots are not uncommon in the area, and hikers and tourists should take note of this danger.

In January 1933 the company announced that it was suspending mining below the 81st level and would confine production to the hanging-wall backs left in the old stopes and inclined shaft pillars.

Eventually stoping cut farther into the veins so that either shafts had to be sunk or adits driven into the hillside to make connections with the underground workings.