“STOPPING” на російській мові


інші переклади

stop stopping halt stoppage standstill pause
зубная пломба





put an end/stop/halt to bring to an end/stop/halt/close/standstill end halt finish terminate discontinue cut short interrupt nip in the bud deactivate shut down


It broke in half with an agonised creak, half falling back down onto Eliturion’s legs, the other upended and blocking the main door, stopping Ellany’s escape.

The splits in the metal plating ran up to the foot of Heffi’s station, stopping inches before they tore open the structure around the wheel and destroyed the Prince Alfra’s ability to steer.

Whiteley writes like a force of nature and there is no stopping this coming storm!

Since he found out that his heart had been stopping in his sleep.

Toppling forward and not stopping herself and tipping over and plummeting into the maelstrom below.

The only weapon he’d had for keeping the dragons and their rider in line, for keeping Quai’Shu alive and stopping the jackals of Vespinarr from taking his dream and making it their own, and he’d lost it.

He turned to her, stopping.

The elders showed no sign of stopping their music.

And then they reached a bridge across a narrow gorge, and after crossing it Sivan led them off along a winding track into the hills until the evening, stopping where a waterfall crashed over the lip of a cliff.

If you can convince the governments of your kind to allow the modalmen through, and fight by their side, you may stand a chance in stopping the Draathis.

Known as Porter Syndrome, MULEs felt compelled to steal the cargo from other porters, even turning aggressive, stopping just short of murder in their hunger for new packages.