“STRANGLED” на російській мові


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stifled smothered suppressed


throttle choke garrote strangulate


She stomped on it, shoved it down and strangled it.

The sheets chafed, strangled her, smothered her with their heat until sweat ran down her body.

He was found guilty, and was happy if he was granted the great mercy of being strangled before he was burned, because they might have burned him alive by a very slow fire.

Night fell sharply in the depths of the abyss, the last feeble echoes of daylight strangled high above so all that remained was the moonlight of the pillars and the flecks on the walls above her.

That old Puerto Rican lady they found strangled a few months back?

”Zeruvias made a strangled noise and fell to the ground, dead.

He gripped it in his fist, dangling it like a strangled snake as he brushed past her.

’ The shifter walked away and sat among the barrels, laughing with his sword-slaves as they re-enacted the terrified faces and strangled cries of the men they’d murdered; and the most terrible thing to Tsen was how he wanted so much to be with her again, how much he’d wanted Sivan-Kalaiya to take his hands and look into his eyes and whisper sweet lies about how things would be once this was done, how the two of them would slip away to another world and no one would come after them because everyone would think he was dead, how they’d lounge together in baths laced with Xizic oil and grow apples in their orchard and make wine and drink it together in the steam and be happy for as long as they were alive.

By dawn, it had been strangled into submission.