“SURROUNDED” на російській мові


інші переклади

surrounded encircled circled edged begirt bestead





encircle enclose encompass ring fence in hem in confine bound circumscribe cut off besiege trap


He returns to the mestizos, who are fully surrounded by the soldiers.

When he looked up, he was once again surrounded by countless faces.

“Well, Clotho,” he said, leaning back in the chair, surrounded by the sounds of rustling parchment and the robes of the priestesses like fluttering wings, “you asked for an audience?

They were surrounded by locked gates, locked doors, and a handful of citizens running through the streets, rushing toward their homes.

That’s why they had built so many cities surrounded by great high walls to hide within.

Low hills surrounded the party, obscuring their vision past a couple of hundred paces, but it was enough they should have some warning if they were attacked.

The stench of rotting organs surrounded him.

The soldiers came right at her but then carried on, ignored her completely and surrounded the rider-slave.

“We’re surrounded by BTs, but somehow I was still able to connect to you.

A glow surrounded Aarin, and Tallimastus manifested around him, encasing the Guider in a glowing, phantasmal form.

Berren had never heard the name of the place, only knew that it was on the edge of a lake beside a swamp, surrounded by reed beds.