“THANK YOU” на російській мові



And thank you to Headspace, for the calm and rest I found through meditating.

To say thank you for backing my motion.

”“Then it’s beyond my means, but thank you for finding out anyway.

“I meant to find you yesterday to thank you again for switching out that book, but I got tied up with Merrill’s work.

I can’t thank you enough for all this cargo that you’ve brought us.

I thank you.

”“I thank you for your kindness, for your very great kindness indeed,” Howard responded, falling in with the elaborate speech his would-be host had used.

But I thank you for your help.

“He told me to thank you and all the other couriers and porters.

To Maura Wogan: thank you, thank you, thank you for your wisdom, hard work, and generosity.

But thank you.