“THOUGH” на російській мові


інші переклади

although though albeit if as notwithstanding
but however though yet notwithstanding
несмотря на
though nevertheless when tho'
если бы
if though if only supposing
тем не менее
nevertheless however though but notwithstanding albeit
хотя бы
even if though even though tho'
однако же
nevertheless though still
however though nevertheless still even so notwithstanding
все же
still yet though nonetheless even so



although even though/if in spite of the fact that despite the fact that notwithstanding (the fact) that for all that


nevertheless nonetheless even so however be that as it may for all that despite that having said that still and all


To put it bluntly, it hurt to think that even though he would be creating new memories with the BB, he would have to let go of the old ones.

Baron Fedgley was tasked by the king with protecting the distant edge of the realm, so he did, though there was little to protect it from.

She’d passed her sister in the bustling market square they called the Palace of Bone and Salt, and though Elain had halted, no doubt intending to speak to her, Nesta had kept walking.

Easy work for a man like him, though he admitted without following the Sniffer he would never have found her.

The wind pierced it as though a hole had opened up within him.

’ He felt close to the end of his rope, as though nothing much mattered any more and he might as well be as rude as he liked.

You don’t have to be afraid, though.

And the next and the next and the next; and as the last chains unravelled and the eyrie began to fall, Sivan turned the sled and hurtled off into the night as though the wind itself was chasing him.

“I’ll be honest, though.

The boy certainly had the size of a man, though the ranger guessed the boy only had seventeen or eighteen winters under his belt.

Cassian had even exercised alongside her earlier, though at a slower pace than usual.