“THOUSAND” на російській мові


інші переклади

thousand mil chiliad
multiplicity plurality variety multitude plenty thousand
mass array weight lot bulk thousand



k chiliad m yard grand thou one thousand


grand K thou


The anger made it easier to hear the Noiesni blather softly on, “like a song… like a poem… and in a moment, between Canopus and Vega, you dream the summits of a thousand dreams; from Rigel to Altair you swing by an invisible cord, and the chords you hear heal the demon-dark emptiness, fill it with nebulae and light more subtle…”And Thump, smiling, interrupted him, “and your foot on a fuzz box that makes your room scream like an empty parkin’ garage, you fall and fall and fall until your life’s hangin’ from one note…”From his pocket Sh’tka’heh cautiously pulled what looked like a debit card, but as crystalline as the chandelier.

She had climbed the ten thousand stairs of the House of Wind, up and down, over and over and over again.

”“He is over one thousand years old,” said Qurunad.

So they locked him up and took him a thousand miles to be hanged in Merizikat.

Its mind felt sharp and bright, filled with a thousand years of memory.

Until that last battle when she couldn’t stop one thousand Illyrians from dying, and had instead been able to save only one.

They had to march nearly fourteen hundred miles from the mine to the capital, through deserts, across rivers and ravines, and up ten thousand feet across the high passes of the Sierra Madre.

Quietly, they moved another thousand paces from where the others had set up camp.

Rew sprinted across the room, knowing he couldn’t reach the spellcaster fast enough, so he hurled himself at Raif, smashing his shoulder into the side of the charging fighter, taking him off his feet and knocking them both clear as a jagged spear of ice blew past them, shattering against the wall into a thousand shards that exploded in a cloud of sharp ice, cutting Rew’s face and hands as they pelted against him.

So rich in oil was this part of the world then that the company managers and directors seemed not to mind when a well which brought in twenty thousand barrels a day caught fire and burned down to its last drop.

Glasses shook and shattered in Velaris, books tumbled off the shelves in Helion’s thousand libraries, and the remnants of a run-down cottage in the human lands crumbled into a pile of rubble.