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People have probably used language to get things off their chest for thousands of years, but venting is more than just unburdening yourself of a troublesome thought.
Those who fled at once, unburdened by possessions, had a chance of survival, for the rain of ash and pumice, mixed with lithics, that descended for several hours was not necessarily lethal.
Other alcoholics in golf, including John Daly, Barclay Howard and Brian Barnes, have found it therapeutic to unburden themselves in public, but the healing process may be at too early a stage for Stirling.
In addition to intelligence, the Creole black possesses a graceful figure, lithe movements, a pleasing face and a gentle language unburdened with any of the accents added by Africans.
But Dr Kelly did not share his concerns with colleagues, and we do not yet know how much he unburdened himself to his family.