“UNHAPPY” на російській мові


інші переклади

unhappy miserable unfortunate poor wretched pitiable
unhappy unfortunate unlucky untoward infelicitous ill-fated
unsuccessful failed unfortunate unlucky abortive unhappy



sad miserable sorrowful dejected despondent disconsolate morose broken-hearted heartbroken hurting down downcast dispirited downhearted depressed melancholy mournful gloomy glum lugubrious despairing doleful forlorn woebegone woeful long-faced joyless cheerless down in the dumps down in/at the mouth blue


Antoninan was unhappy about Valatrice’s inclusion, and displeased with Bannord taking two sleds, but would not argue with his dog or with Bannord in front of the expedition.

’The killer looked unhappy.

He is unhappy.

”The girl looked them up and down, clearly unhappy with their openly displayed weapons and filthy appearance, but evidently, it wasn’t enough to turn them away.

’Recently she had begun to feel a vexation building in the older woman, transmitting itself in the way Petra moved around the office, asking questions and seeming unhappy with the answers.

If she’d known how difficult it would be to not think about him, and how unhappy she’d be with the life she’d chosen, Joy would have done many things differently.

There were plenty of unhappy kids throughout this world in the same boat, but what Deadman, who had no Beach, and Sam, a repatriate who was rejected by the Beach, had in common was their craving for the very existence of a biological parent.

Too bad she didn’t foresee how unhappy she’d be.

”Nesta blinked at the compliment, the bit of truth it revealed about Emerie: she was unhappy in this place.

Her reaction has more to do with how unhappy she has been than with Dylan sharing everything he felt for her with everyone but her.

Furthermore, in Latin-American countries the Inquisition lasted far longer than in Spain, and its unholy power was nowhere exercised more rigorously than in this unhappy land.