“UNTOUCHED” на російській мові


інші переклади

intact untouched pristine virgin untapped unaffected



uneaten unconsumed undrunk untasted ignored


Joy finishes her lunch and orders dessert, a plated slice of peach pie that sits untouched beside her third refill of Cherry Coke.

They lay as they’d fallen, untouched for all this time, ripening in the warm spring days.

Tomorrow they would plant more shrubs and saplings on the mining field and destroy the narrow path leading to the mine so that the shrubs might have time to root and grow and make the plateau appear as untouched a wilderness as it was when it was discovered.

And we leave the Autumn Court soldiers untouched.

Zaine nodded, her eyes down on her untouched wine.

I shall leave you both untouched.

War had left the cottage untouched.

She burned down factories that specialised in clothes made from— look, however young and untouched you are, you can’t claim there’s any grey area here.

Zabu was untouched by the poisons of their world.

Heart racing, Nesta lifted the lantern in one hand and gazed at the darkness, untouched by the light from the library high, high above.

A scatter of slaves, their pale dead skin untouched by dragon-fire.