“USING” на російській мові


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using use utilization employment applying enjoyment



exploitation victimization


utilize make use of avail oneself of employ work operate wield ply apply maneuver manipulate put to use put/press into service


Heartman has this hypothesis: ‘If we want to fix the Beaches, we need to do so using some meta-level law.

Looking at the tunnel, he found it strange that he did not hear any movement nor see a flicker of light from the lantern Dobbs was using.

But it is true that when Higgs started using the BB, the separatists became more extreme, and that Bridges obtained BB technology as they prepared the first expedition.

The monks rallied themselves, forming back to back, using their Guider’s skills against the ghosts.

He should have known that Alsayer was lying, was using them to get access to his target.

Cliff was using Amelie to invite him to the Beach.

She shook her head, using the motion to avoid his hand.

At first, the president believed that we would be able to visualize BTs by using BBs, since one of the most dangerous aspects of the BTs is that they’re invisible.

You can’t be foolish enough to think we’d tell you all of them, but I can assure you they don’t involve using the Trove.

Yet the biological monitoring equipment set up beside his bed told him that his blood had already been taken using the cuff link.

It was plain enough that someone, likely the thieves’ guild, was using Zaine’s connection to get them inside of the keep.