“VALUABLE” на російській мові


інші переклади

useful utility helpful beneficial good valuable
valuable valued costly rich essential dear
expensive dear costly darling precious valuable
ценные вещи
jewelry valuable jewellery



precious costly pricey expensive dear high-priced high-cost high-end upscale big-ticket worth its weight in gold priceless


Since this car was occupied by the well-to-do, the loot was more valuable than that taken in the second-class cars.

And these great robbers sitting in easy chairs before huge mahogany tables, and those highwaymen speaking from the platforms of the conventions of the ruling parties, were the same people who in success stories and in the papers were praised as valuable citizens, the builders of the nation, the staunch upholders of our civilization and of our culture.

If the wraiths are put on the board, a necromancer strong enough to manage them will be a valuable target for any of the princes, but I’m sure the children will be just fine.

Alone and so far from civilization and with valuable goods, one cannot be too careful.

The gain was almost unbelievably rich and the prospectors felt sure that they had not yet come to the most valuable veins.

He believed my story about the shadowsinger’s spies informing him that a valuable asset had been kidnapped by Briallyn, and that you lot were disgusted to arrive and find it was me, rather than someone from the Summer or Winter Courts or whoever stoops to associate with you.

This guard proved valuable now that dona Maria had decided to break camp, pack up, and take her riches to Mexico City and from there to good old Spain.

“And lose a valuable ally,” he added when Cassian rolled his eyes.

’‘I’m flattered to be considered so valuable.

In that climate, the boxes were more valuable than the objects they held.

Had it not been for the loss of so many valuable hours in the morning, he would have been at the first houses of the town by now.