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The modalmen withdrew, heading back to their fires and the cooking pots where they butchered their screaming human victims and the slaughtered Golden Rings.
It wouldn’t be the victims she would be helping.
It was a war fought with fighter planes, tanks, bombs, and other small arms—weapons that drowned out the voices and screams of their victims.
The inherent meaning of each individual death was snatched away from those victims and they became nothing more than a number.
Every person able to read the papers was made to identify himself with the victims.
This fact may have accounted for the greater mercy shown to the victims.
They had no qualms about killing their fellow men, and would often leave their victims to become BTs, along with the craters in their wake.
Men feel sorry about a thousand lives lost by a shipwreck; they will do all in their power to help the victims and to avoid a similar catastrophe.
“If that strong attachment to this world and the yearning to stay connected to it created that battlefield, then that might support my theory about voidout victims becoming trapped on the Beach.
“Quite strange to see narjags with something other than rudimentary weapons and clothing, unless they’ve been looted from their victims.
Both of them had plenty of carved-up victims walking the streets of Brooklyn.