“WEAKENED” на російській мові


інші переклади

loosen weaken relax attenuate reduce impair
weaken wilt fail slacken faint ease
give up surrender give in yield capitulate give way
succumb yield give way fall for surrender take
decay dilapidate weaken



attenuate attenuated faded


enfeeble debilitate incapacitate sap enervate tire exhaust wear out wither cripple disable emasculate


Once the rain weakened and the skies ahead became whiter, the Odradek fell completely still and Sam could finally relax.

“Perhaps if the Cauldron had been truly destroyed, the Mask might have been weakened enough for the High Lords and Feyre to join their power and do it.

His night vision was weakened from his fire, so he couldn’t risk rushing into the forest to seek them out or trying to break through the circle they’d formed.

And even with Feyre’s healing abilities, the blood loss has weakened her—”“Do it,” Feyre managed to say, the words weighted with pain.

The blow to the head had weakened him.

If he spoke aloud he would have spat those words like bullets, but thinking them weakened his rage immensely, and he sat heavily into his chair, diminished by loss, wrung out by despair.

The wind weakened.

Even if one of them thought they’d best their brother, they’d be weakened for the third one to strike.

EPISODE VII – DEADMAN(continued)Once the winds calmed, the force of the snow flurries finally weakened.

That you will kill many of us before we kill all of you, and we shall be weakened.

Her gaze wandered over the castle, to the semi-derelict great southern tower, the barracks with its slumped roof, the lesser towers weakened by the addition of windows.