“WILLIE'S” на російській мові


інші переклади

нервная дрожь
willies thrill
нервное состояние
nerves jitters willies twitch fuss


No one cares about it anymore; Gnat's more interested in exterior ants, the Death Farm gives my wife the willies , but I feed them and give them water.

I was delighted to hear, a couple of years ago, that barn owls had taken to peering into bedroom windows of flats in East Delhi, giving the incumbents the willies no doubt!

It gives even field-hardened terrorism experts the willies : bad guys launching shoulder-fired missiles at jetliners, killing hundreds and grounding air traffic.

The notion of having the government take over an industry that represents about 15 percent of the U.S. economy gives U.S. executives the willies .

that room gave him the willies