“AFTERLIFE” на українській мові


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life after death the next world the hereafter the afterworld eternity kingdom come immortality


Do not let him drag them into the afterlife with him.

His soul came out of his body, and that too was cut, broken apart into pieces as it raced frantically for the afterlife.

So what if everyone’s afterlife is different, too?

As soon as we are not, off to the One we Ishmalani shall go, helped on our way by a sellsword’s bullet, and the rest of the expedition will be spending their afterlife with the Drowned King.

Why does this man bury himself in pleasures of the flesh when the secrets of the afterlife are known to him?

It would be easier to deny the god and the prior their wishes, and ascend to the perils of the afterlife alone.

No afterlife.

“Heed me, oh dead,” he said, beginning the cantrip that would open the way to the afterlife.

Other wise men disagreed, maintaining that the king held the drowned in thrall, preventing their escape to the afterlife.

Because the only ones who could perceive death and an afterlife were human beings.